Setting Partition Status

Before your start:

Add the Pyronix control panel to the client. For details, see Adding Pyronix Control Panel.


  1. Tap the Pyronix control panel's name on the Hik-Connect page and verify the device to enter the Area (Partition) page.
  2. You will see the alarm outputs and all areas (partitions) listed on the page.

    Note: For details about verifying device and authorize the phone, see Verifying Device and Authorizing Phone via PyronixCloud.


  3. You can do the following operations to operate the control panel.
    • Trigger Alarm Output: Tap to trigger the alarm output. For details, see Controlling Alarm Output Remotely.
    • Arm or Disarm: Tap or to Arm or Disarm the area (partition).
    • View Zone Status: You can view the zone status on this page. You can tap to set zone information. For details, see Viewing Zone Status.